
Israel’s Prime Minister Spends Impromptu Shabbos in D.C.

A surprise extended stay in Washington DC due to President Biden attending to the crisis in Afghanistan led to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s team scrambling to make accommodations for his Shabbos observance in the U.S. Capital. He, along with the large contingent of security, staff and journalists with whom he was traveling, made impromptu plans as the first emergency Shabbos stay of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office. It was also the first in a COVID capsule, with the entire delegation unable to leave the hotel at which they were staying, both to procure kosher food or otherwise. With the fast-acting help of the Israeli Embassy, American Friends of Lubavitch and the Chabad Israeli Center of Rockville, Shabbos food, a synagogue suite and more were organized for the contingent which also included Orthodox reporters, staff and more in addition to Bennett. With the help of friends, local hospitality and words of Torah from Bennett himself, Shabbos, and a minyan honoring Bennett’s father’s yahrzeit was a success. Read more here.

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