
This Hindu Woman is One of the Jewish People’s Greatest Advocates

Jews and Hindus may seem like worlds apart but the similarities between both cultures may surprise you. Rabbi Abramowitz recently tackled this question on the site, speaking about many similarities between our patriarchs, matriarchs and other notable people from the Torah and their gods.  One of those points is about Avraham. In Genesis 17:5 he […]

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We May Be in Challenging Times, but We’re Seeing So Many Miracles

These days, it’s easy to completely melt into a puddle of doom and fear when scrolling through the news or the ignorant, malignant Instagram comments of so many. This morning, it was reported that Bolivia cut ties with Israel and Chile and Colombia recalled their ambassadors. There are death threats to Jews on college campuses, […]

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Hasidic Family Returns Wallet Containing $1400

A Hasidic family (name undisclosed) from Brooklyn found a wallet during an outing to Governors Island last Thursday. The wallet contained $1,400 in cash. Intent on performing the mitzvah of hashavas aveida (returning lost items), the family contacted State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein in hopes of tracking down the owner of the wallet: Christopher Collins, who […]

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