Top 3 Pesach Cleaning Hacks
We’re going to put the fun in cleaning! Except there is no fun in cleaning. So try these hacks to make it a bit easier!
We’re going to put the fun in cleaning! Except there is no fun in cleaning. So try these hacks to make it a bit easier!
As the United States celebrates its 245-year-old freedom, the current climate is unfortunately rife with rising anti-semitism. As anti-semitic attacks – both physical and verbal – increase in this country (targeting Orthodox Jews most commonly, though not exclusively) let us remember on this Independence Day, the promise that was made to the Jews of the […]
Celebrating Chanukah this year is just different. While we’re still eating our donuts and latkes, we’re lighting with extra prayers for hope, for miracles, for salvation. This year, it’s normal and expected to light with a heavy heart, as we continue to mourn the atrocities in Israel and the soldiers that continue to give their […]
For far too long, the stories of persecution against the Jewish people have been brushed aside as exaggerations or even complete falsehood. Despite Antiochus IV Epiphane having been a real historical figure — as is the Hasmonean War — there are elements of the Chanukah story which have been met with skepticism. That is now […]
These days, it’s easy to completely melt into a puddle of doom and fear when scrolling through the news or the ignorant, malignant Instagram comments of so many. This morning, it was reported that Bolivia cut ties with Israel and Chile and Colombia recalled their ambassadors. There are death threats to Jews on college campuses, […]
While Purim gets much of the credit for being the Jewish holiday for expressing artistic skills, Sukkos is underrated as a time of year when creativity can thrive. With many rules inherent in sukkah building, many people stick to the wood, laminate, canvas or lattice walls that are relatively easy-to-build and that meet the halachic […]