
The Orthodox Jews Who Serve In The U.S. Military

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Department of Defense. On Memorial Day, we remember and honor the brave men and women who served in the armed forces and made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. But how many Orthodox Jews throughout American history have proudly […]

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These 6 Steps Will Help Your Makeup Last During Yom Tov

Because there is a prohibition to color on Shabbos and Yom Tov and not everyone uses Shabbos makeup, many women are left wondering, “How do I make my makeup last longer?” We spoke to Shaindy Kelman, biochemist, esthetician and founder of Shaindel Cosmetics, who said “The trick to having your makeup stay on is to apply it with a bit […]

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Does Flying On A Plane On Shabbos Make You Not Orthodox?

On Friday morning, I opened up Facebook and read that Jared and Ivanka Kushner were going to be flying to the Mideast with President Trump that night on the Jewish Sabbath. A spokesperson for the couple said they had gotten approval to do so from a rabbi. As I read through the comments of several […]

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Meet The BBC Producer Who Became A Haredi Comedian

What’s the key ingredient to help a secular Jewish BBC producer achieve his life-long dream of becoming a stand-up comic? For Ashley Blaker all it took was becoming ultra-Orthodox. Blaker grew up in a traditional home in the UK and attended private  school – the same one that Sacha Baron Cohen went to. He had dreams […]

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Haredi Women Filmmakers & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

  Read The Groundbreaking Orthodox Film Story That’s Now An Award Finalist The Haredi world is generally viewed as an insular patriarchal community that shuns movies, but a fledgling, shadow film industry has been growing quietly for a decade within the confines of this improbable universe. These flicks — dozens of them — are produced, […]

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