
The View Hated On Jews Before Whoopi Goldberg’s Blunder

While Whoopi Goldberg just returned to The View after a two week suspension due to insensitive remarks about the Holocaust not being about racism and it simply being about “white on white fighting,” The View has an anti-Jewish history that long proceeded this event. In 2009, The View co-hosts had fun slandering Orthodox Judaism and […]

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What Julia Haart’s Second Divorce Makes Clear

When “My Unorthodox Life” came out on Netflix last summer, Julia Haart became the latest spokes- woman for the Orthodox world — and not in a positive way. She spoke openly about how she left an ultra-religious community plagued with fundamentalism and oppression — that she wasn’t allowed to be educated, seen, heard, or even choose […]

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Why I Don’t Agree With ABC Suspending Whoopi Goldberg

Before you assume that I’m condoning her statement that the Holocaust was not about race, hear me out. Whoopi was definitely wrong in her statement that the Nazi genocide was about two groups of white people, and that comment was potentially harmful, especially as research shows that many Americans are misinformed about the Holocaust, with only 62% knowing […]

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