
Why I Don’t Agree With ABC Suspending Whoopi Goldberg

Before you assume that I’m condoning her statement that the Holocaust was not about race, hear me out. Whoopi was definitely wrong in her statement that the Nazi genocide was about two groups of white people, and that comment was potentially harmful, especially as research shows that many Americans are misinformed about the Holocaust, with only 62% knowing […]

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What If Orthodox Jews Got A Seat In The Writer’s Room?

All minorities – including Orthodox Jews – deserve a seat in the writer’s room when stories about our communities are being told. That’s why we are thrilled to announce the JITC Hollywood Bureau! Since our founding in 2007, Jew in the City has been the only nonprofit that works to remedy continuous negative depictions of Orthodox Jews […]

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Taking Back Our Orthodox Life Story

Last week, Julia Haart appeared as a guest on the Tamron Hall show and when asked about her divorce, she sighed and replied that her divorce took eight years. She segued into a description about the laws of Jewish divorce where a women in “her world” have to ask their husbands for a gett in […]

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