
Should We Give Up On Self-Hating Jews?

Dear Jew in the City- When it comes to supporting Israel or speaking out against antisemitism, I see some Jews who seem to be throwing us under the bus. On the one hand we are supposed to focus on Jewish unity, and on the other, four-fifths of the Jewish nation didn’t make it out of […]

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Is it Acceptable to Play Professional Baseball on Shabbos?

Dear Jew in the City- Jacob Steinmetz and Elie Kligman both just made history as the first Orthodox Jewish players to be drafted to the MLB. Steinmetz plays baseball on Shabbos but Kligman doesn’t. How can both be considered “Shabbos observant” with this difference? Thank you, JL Dear JL- The answer to this question is […]

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Is it True That the Torah Was Lost and Then Found?

Dear Jew in the City- I’ve heard people say that the Torah was lost in Jewish history and then found, either in the time of Ezra or Josiah. Is this true or are they trying to discredit the validity of the Torah by claiming it was made up? Thanks, Dov Dear Dov- Thanks for your […]

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