
Kippahs In Coke Super Bowl Ad & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

500 Years After Being Wiped Out, Sicilian Jewish Life is Reborn

A vibrant community was expelled from Sicily under the Spanish Inquisition in 1493. Residents are rediscovering their hidden roots today thanks to the dedication of a new shul and an increasing number of resources.

Stunning Court Decision Approves Passover Punishment

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit surprisingly rejected the appeal of Susan Abeles, a Washington D.C. Orthodox Jew, who was punished by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) for taking off on the last two days of Passover 2013, as she had done for the past 26 years that she worked there. Despite consistently giving her supervisors a list of the dates of Jewish holidays at the beginning of each calendar year, her supervisors took back their acceptance of that list.

Program Helps Secular Israelis Navigate Orthodox Burial

The Tzohar Rabbinical Organization has launched an initiative to offer support for bereaved families and help them navigate the bureaucracy of a halachic burial. Volunteer rabbis will staff the program, and accompany the family through the process of the state-funded funeral and burial that are provided to all Jews who die in Israel.

Viral Rabbi Captures Hearts of Online ‘Congregation’ Via Social Media

With a wardrobe of onesies, an infectious smile and unbridled enthusiasm, Meir Kay is a 21st-century badran, a hasid-turned-jester with millions of views on social media. “My hope…is to spread positivity and happiness to all who watch them, to make them smile, laugh, to walk away inspired to go forth and do an act of kindness,” says Kalmanson, 27, an unconventional rabbi whose “congregation” consists of online audiences who know him simply as Meir Kay.

Meet Chanabana, The Brand Trying to Redefine Modest Activewear With Running Dresses and Skirts

Modest fashion has had a bit of a renaissance with Dolce and Gabbana’s own line of hijabs, Uniqlo’s hijabs and modest clothing too, and brands like DKNY and Mango creating modest collections in time for Ramadan. But amid all this progress, one realm of fashion remained rather untouched by this modest revolution: Athleisure…which founder / designer Chana Rachel Weinberg of Chanabana aims to change.

TV News Reporter Rosh Lowe Finds Spirituality Through Tragedy

Television news reporter Rosh Lowe of WSVN Channel 7 discussed his life covering tragedies and his search for spirituality during two talks given over Shabbat recently at Downtown Jewish Center Chabad in Fort Lauderdale. Lowe is an Orthodox Jew who never broadcasts on Shabbat and is a member of the Chabad Shul of Bal Harbour.

First All-Haredi Paratrooper Company Sworn in at Kotel

The first-ever all-haredi paratrooper company was sworn in at an IDF ceremony at the Western Wall in Jerusalem last Thursday. The ceremony was held just one month after the new haredi recruits to the paratrooper company arrived at the Bakum (induction center) for new service members.

Coca Cola Super Bowl Ad Features Men in Kippahs

The much-praised ad honoring our country’s diversity features a Jewish man on a balcony, and then the back of two more Jews’ heads as they look out over the city. The iconic kippahs cement our place among the colorful cast of Americans.

Google Super Bowl Ad Features a Mezuzah on a Door

This Google Home ad received wide attention for the command voice setting off actual Google Home devices as the ad played. On its intercutting of homes, the last door featured before the home is entered features a prominent mezuzah.

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