
A Three Weeks How-To Guide

A special time of mourning for the Beis HaMikdash interrupts our regularly scheduled summer fun each year, as we enter into the three weeks leading up to Tisha b’Av (the 9th of Av). The saddest day in the Jewish Calendar, Tisha b’Av marks the destruction of the Temples, as well as several other major tragedies […]

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What Is Amira L’Akum (Asking A Non-Jew To Do “Work” On Shabbos)?

Today I’m going to answer a question that nobody asked. But first, some background. There’s something that people do whenever these articles are posted on social media. When Allison (or whoever handles social media on her behalf) posts the articles, the question that I’m answering is always part of the post. What some people invariably […]

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Are Men and Women Equal in Judaism?

Dear Jew in the City, According to verses in Vayikra, how do we understand men and women having a different value? Sincerely, MM   Dear MM, Thanks for your question. What you’re talking about is parshas Bechukosai, the last parsha in sefer Vayikra (the book of Leviticus). Most of the parsha is dedicated to the […]

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Is There Room To Be More Lenient On Pesach?

Dear Jew in the City, My family’s Pesach traditions are so strict and burdensome that I don’t want to observe the holiday anymore. The work is too much and I’m starving the whole time. Is there room for me to be more lenient? -A.E.   Dear A.E, Thanks for your question. As I mentioned last […]

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GE Appliances Embraces the Jewish Community

In a time when Jews are feeling more under attack than they have in recent times, GE is leaning into its Jewish clientele. In a recent video, CEO of GE Appliances, Kevin Nolan, sent a positive message to the Orthodox community. GE wants to best serve their customers, so they created an initiative, Zero Distance […]

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What’s The Difference Between Halacha, Chumra And Minhag?

Dear Jew in the City- What’s the difference between a halacha, minhag, chumra and inyan? Which ones are mandatory and which are optional? Thanks, Eli Dear Eli, Thanks for your question. Let’s start with halacha. “Halacha” means law. These can be Biblical or rabbinic. The Torah gives us mitzvos – commandments – like “keep Shabbos,” […]

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