
GE Appliances Embraces the Jewish Community

In a time when Jews are feeling more under attack than they have in recent times, GE is leaning into its Jewish clientele. In a recent video, CEO of GE Appliances, Kevin Nolan, sent a positive message to the Orthodox community. GE wants to best serve their customers, so they created an initiative, Zero Distance […]

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What’s The Difference Between Halacha, Chumra And Minhag?

Dear Jew in the City- What’s the difference between a halacha, minhag, chumra and inyan? Which ones are mandatory and which are optional? Thanks, Eli Dear Eli, Thanks for your question. Let’s start with halacha. “Halacha” means law. These can be Biblical or rabbinic. The Torah gives us mitzvos – commandments – like “keep Shabbos,” […]

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Do Jews Believe In Turning the Other Cheek or Strict Justice?

Dear JITC- I just saw Spider-Man, which seems to be about the Christian version of justice. Christians believe in turning the other cheek. Desmond Tutu, who just died, said Holocaust survivors should forgive Nazis! Jews believe in compassion but also in stopping and punishing evil. Why does Judaism believe in vengeance in addition to compassion? […]

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Jews Are Not “White” And We’re Not “Just a Religion”

Last week, a Sephardic member of our shul (synagogue) asked me which Middle Eastern country my family comes from. “None,” I explained, “We’re Ashkanazi.” “Really?” he exclaimed, “I was certain you were Sephardic.” After this encounter, I got to thinking: despite being completely Ashkanazi, with both sides of my family hailing from Ukraine, Russia and […]

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Can I Cover My Sukkah if it Rains?

Hi JITC- Can I cover my sukkah if it rains? I heard there is something called schlach? Thanks, Aidel Dear Aidel- Thanks for your question. You’ve created a portmanteau of two words. Schach is a mass noun (i.e., a thing whose discrete components are not counted); the roof of your succah is made from schach. […]

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