
Were the Jews Forced to Accept the Torah?

Dear Jew in the City, Were the Jews forced to accept the Torah? It was literally held over our heads and could seem to be given in such a way where we had no choice but to accept it. Sincerely, Simon   Dear Simon, Thanks for your question. Let’s explain it. Exodus 19:17 says that […]

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Why Is Jerusalem So Special to the Jewish People?

Dear Jew in the City, Why is Jerusalem so special to the Jewish people? Sincerely, Michelle Dear Michelle, Thanks for your question. I could start the story of Jerusalem with the creation of the world (see, for example, Bereishis Rabbah 14:8, cited by Rashi on Genesis 2:7) or with Avraham (Jerusalem being where the akeidah […]

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Why Are There So Many Curses In The Torah?

Dear Jew in the City, Why do the curses given on Har Eval soooo outnumber the blessings given on Har Gerizim? Why is there so much cursing in the Torah? Sincerely, Mo Dear Mo, Thanks for your question. I have a lot to say about it. First, the way you phrased the question “Why is […]

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What Does the Torah Teach Us About Addressing Narcissism?

Dear Jew in the City, How do you inculcate the values of kindness, compassion and selflessness in a society that rewards narcissism, like we often see on social media for example? How should narcissists, especially those in positions of power and influence, be regarded and dealt with in the Jewish community? Sincerely, Chaviva Dear Chaviva, […]

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Are Men and Women Equal in Judaism?

Dear Jew in the City, According to verses in Vayikra, how do we understand men and women having a different value? Sincerely, MM   Dear MM, Thanks for your question. What you’re talking about is parshas Bechukosai, the last parsha in sefer Vayikra (the book of Leviticus). Most of the parsha is dedicated to the […]

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