
Belz Hasidic Sect Will Introduce Secular Subjects In Schools

Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach, the leader of the Belz Hasidic Sect, has approved a core curriculum of secular subjects to be implemented in the elementary schools. The core curriculum will include subjects such as math, science, Hebrew and English. The Belz education committee met with the national Education Ministry to create a proper curriculum model for grades 1-8, which […]

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Orthodox Jewish BBC Presenter Wears A Yarmulke On Air

Jonathan Josephs, an Orthdox Jew who works at the BBC World News Channel, made a historic first when he presented the news on live television while wearing a yarmulke. He works as a show producer for the network, but had to step in last minute when the anchorman of the World Business Report went home […]

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