
The Orthodox Jews Who Share Their Seats and Their Hearts

Yoni Greenstein, an Orthodox Jewish man who grew up in Monsey and works in corporate America, realized something six years ago: many companies have seats at ballgames and events meant for clients which go unused, while many Jewish children suffering from illness and other difficulties could benefit from a pick-me-up that free seats at a […]

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An Orthodox Jew Who Increases Kindness in the World

When Rabbi Daniel Cohen was twenty-one years old, his mother (who was forty-four at the time) died suddenly of an aneurysm. Losing a parent unexpectedly at such a young age profoundly affected him. “We were speaking on the phone one day, then she was gone the next,” Rabbi Cohen recalls. His mother had taught him […]

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This Two Year Old Drowned, Then A Miracle Happened

On July 26th 2010, Charlene and Jonathan Aminoff went wave running with their sons (near their apartment in Miami) while their two year old daughter, Gali, napped by the pool with her nanny. When they returned from the outing, the Aminoffs were confronted with blood curdling screams. A man they didn’t know was holding a dead […]

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Orthodox Jewish All Stars: Joyce Azria, Barry Simon & More!

Can an Orthodox Jewish woman run a world renowned fashion company or be a four-time Emmy winning producer on “The Today Show?” Can an Orthodox Jewish man be a Disney director and animator or the dean of one of the most prestigious law schools in the U.S.? Find out here! Click here for the complete […]

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3rd Annual Orthodox Jewish All Stars Party Re-Cap

pictures by Rachel Renov Photography Listen to “Jew in the City Speaks” above or here. After months of round the clock planning with my friend Chanie Waxler of Buds Events Design (event planner and florist extraordinaire) and chairwomen Rena Kutner and Shoshie Manela, we had an incredible party last Tuesday night at the Museum of […]

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Announcing Jew in the City’s 2014 Orthodox Jewish All Stars!!

Forbes-ranked hedge fund manager and philanthropist Henry Swieca, BCBGeneration Creative Director Joyce Azria, and Columbia Law School Dean Emeritus David Schizer are among ten individuals who have been named 2014 Orthodox Jewish All Stars by Jew in the City, the organization dedicated to re-branding Orthodox Jews and Judaism through digital media. In addition to Swieca, Azria and […]

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