
Female Hasidic Alternative Rock Group, Bulletproof Stockings, Looks to Widen Audience & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

“Hasidic ‘Rocker Chicks’ Bulletproof Stockings Seek Broader Audience”  Bulletproof Stockings is a Hasidic all-female alt-rock band led by Dalia Shusterman and Perl Wolfe. Based in Brooklyn, they perform to women-only audiences. Their recent gig at Lower East Side rock venue “Arlene’s Grocery” drew their most diverse crowds ever as well as a lot of media […]

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Lapid Prays For The First Time in 6 Years After Kidnapping

According to Arutz Sheva, Israeli Finance Minister Yair Lapid visited the home of kidnapped teen Gilad Sha’ar in Talmon today and discussed with Gilad’s mother (Bat-Galim) how much Israel has changed in the week since the boys were abducted. First Bat-Galim told Lapid about a groom who stopped off at their home on the morning of […]

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Orthodox Jews In The News: Weekly Round Up

“Driver With Cancer Patient Wrongly Accused of ‘Illegal Cab’”  Although TLC wrongly accused this Hasidic man, it was a nice opportunity for an otherwise hidden kindness to be publicized. “How a Nice Jewish Exterminator Rids a City of Pests.” – An Orthdox Jewish exterminator kills bugs the Kosher way. “Orthodox Jews, Afro-Caribbeans Compete in Annual Soccer […]

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The Orthodox Man Who Saved A Life With His Yarmulke

Some children dream of being teachers; some, of lawyers. But Eli Beer, an Orthodox Jew who is the founder and president of Hatzolah United, has known since he was a young boy that his mission in life was to save lives. Beer recently gave a TED Talk that gathered praise from around the world. I […]

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An Ethiopian Jew’s Journey To Israel

It was a whirlwind trip to a conference in Israel. I was running on very little sleep and meeting all sorts of interesting people. I had just spoken to a woman – an only child – who had lost both of her parents before her 30th birthday. Then another woman explained how her father, with […]

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