
Orthodox Jews In The News: Weekly Round Up

“Driver With Cancer Patient Wrongly Accused of ‘Illegal Cab’”  Although TLC wrongly accused this Hasidic man, it was a nice opportunity for an otherwise hidden kindness to be publicized. “How a Nice Jewish Exterminator Rids a City of Pests.” – An Orthdox Jewish exterminator kills bugs the Kosher way. “Orthodox Jews, Afro-Caribbeans Compete in Annual Soccer […]

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The Orthodox Man Who Saved A Life With His Yarmulke

Some children dream of being teachers; some, of lawyers. But Eli Beer, an Orthodox Jew who is the founder and president of Hatzolah United, has known since he was a young boy that his mission in life was to save lives. Beer recently gave a TED Talk that gathered praise from around the world. I […]

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An Ethiopian Jew’s Journey To Israel

It was a whirlwind trip to a conference in Israel. I was running on very little sleep and meeting all sorts of interesting people. I had just spoken to a woman – an only child – who had lost both of her parents before her 30th birthday. Then another woman explained how her father, with […]

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The Hasidic Jew Who Feeds All People With Dignity

On the way to a speaking engagement in New Orleans this week, I found myself seated next to a woman with pink hair and lots of tattoos and piercings. We got to talking along the way. (I have this thing for speaking to people that end up next to me on planes as I believe […]

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Achieving the Impossible Bit By Bit

 A few years ago, my husband was in a bit of a bind. He had put in a fresh pair of contact lenses that morning – the kind that’s supposed to last a couple months – but it was 10 PM on Christmas Eve and he was out of solution. I suggested that we call one of […]

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