
The Orthodox Jew Who Marched With Dr. Martin Luther King

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once called Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel “a great prophet.” In the photo, Heschel presented King with the Judaism and World Peace Award. How did the leader of the civil rights movement come to form such a deep bond with an Orthodox Jewish rabbi? Heschel was a Polish-born American […]

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Orthodox Jews Who Fought In WWII

While no one could say that observant Jewish members of the United States Armed Forces have ever had it easy, there are many trailblazers who have made it possible for today’s Orthodox Jews in the military to thrive. But what were things like for Orthodox Jews who fought in World War II? JITC Board member, […]

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7 U.S. Freedoms Jews Should Celebrate on Independence Day

Since we were slaves in Egypt, persecution and oppression has been a major part of Jewish history. The founding of the United States of America in 1776 ushered in a new era, introducing us to a land of religious tolerance and freedom, for which we are forever grateful. According to historian John Buescher, the first […]

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Pirates of the Carribbean…Who Kept Shabbos!

  With last week’s release of the 5th installment of Disney’s popular Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, the world once again is fascinated by the corsairs, privateers, and marauders of the golden age of piracy. While there has been talk of Jewish Pirates, few realize that most of these pirates were observant Jews! Professor Steven […]

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These Jews-Lost For Generations-Are Now Returning To Israel

Thousands of years ago our prophets spoke of a day when Jews, who had been exiled and spread around the world, would gather and return to the land of Israel. A man named Michael Freund, founder and director of Shavei Israel, might be helping to bring this millennia-old navuah to fruition. Shavei Israel, which means […]

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