
Confessions From a BlackBerry Addict

I just realized that I’m sort of like a well-trained dog when it comes to my BlackBerry. I have my e-mail notification set on a special ba-ring sound. And I just realized that when my BlackBerry goes ba-ring from across the room – even from across my apartment sometimes – my ears perk up and […]

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Teshuva: If a Garbage Can Can, So Can You!

I recently bought a hundred dollar garbage can. Now, now, I know what you’re thinking. Believe me, my husband was thinking it too. But there was a very good reason that I splurged on this purchase. It was one of those pretty brushed-aluminum jobs, but what really made it worthwhile was that it was warrantied […]

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Judaism Enchanted: Why Bad Things Happen To Good People

Like hundreds of thousands of Americans, I flocked (and mind you I normally pride myself on not flocking, but I had free babysitters available and was in the mood for something light) to see Disney’s Enchanted over Thanksgiving weekend. If you’re not one of the people who has helped this movie gross over $50.5 million […]

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