
The Menorah That Defied Hitler Lights Up & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Religious Women’s Noga Dance Troupe Awarded Minister’s Prize Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) announced that one of the two winners of the 2017 prize for dance would be the religious young women’s Noga Dance Troupe founded at Orot Israel Academic College for Education’s iin Elkana, Samaria. The establishment of a Department of Dance at […]

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#MyMiracle: The Night I Walked Away Without A Scratch…

September 8, 2001. It was a Friday night, and I had already worked 60 hours that week as a story editor in Hollywood. Sure some of that week’s work was glamorous (walking the red carpet alongside Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston at the premiere of “Rock Star”) but most of it was not (fixing broken […]

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Who Should Light The Menorah?

Hi Jew in the City- In my family, my father lights the menorah alone, but in my friends’ family, everyone lights their own menorah. Who should light it? Sincerely, Meira   Dear Meira- Thanks for your question. The prevalent practice among Sefardic Jews is for one menorah to be lit; the prevalent practice among Ashkenazim […]

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