
Israel’s Fastest Woman is Religious & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Fastest Woman in Israel is Religious US-Born Mother of Five
The fastest Israeli woman to run the 2018 Jerusalem Marathon did so wearing a skirt and a head covering and with her family cheering from the sidelines. Beatie Deutsch, a religious immigrant from the United States who lives in Jerusalem, clocked a time of 3:09:50 on Friday – making her the fastest Israeli woman, the fifth-fastest woman and the 25th quickest runner overall to finish the race.

A Kosher Chipotle Style Restaurant Opens in Baltimore
Downtown Baltimore will be getting a kosher Chipotle-style “The Daily Special” at 201 N. Charles Street for a quick bite as soon as Passover ends. The restaurant will feature the delicacies of Chef Daniel Neuman, previously of kosher steakhouse “Serengeti” in Pikesville, according to Ayelet Dresin, who is coordinating the launch.

Why I Led My Orthodox Jewish Classmates on the National Gun Control Walkout
At Ida Crown Jewish Academy, the largest Modern Orthodox high school in the Chicagoland area, students heard about the #ENOUGH national school walkout and wondered how their school could participate. It was a chance to emphasize their motto “Inspiring Bnei and Bnot Torah to thrive in the modern world” and put it to the test.

5 Jewish Women Talk About What it Means to be Orthodox in Rockland
They pay taxes, are politically and socially active, own businesses and contribute to the economy. They send their kids to school, stay informed about local and national matters and strive to make their county the best place to live. They are the Orthodox Jewish women of Rockland. These are their stories.

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