
Hate Graffiti At NJ Yeshiva Sparks Investigation

After a floor tile was found with a swastika burned into it outside a Union Township yeshiva, police are investigating it as a hate crime. “We are closely following this disturbing development,” Dov Ben-Shimon, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest said on Twitter. He added, “We’re grateful for our law enforcement partners, on […]

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Jew in the City’s Makom is Why I Stayed Religious

Take 2 minutes to listen and be blown away. This member had to conceal her identity when she left us this powerful message. We have 250 Makom members, and it’s growing by the day. Please become a Change Maker by giving at any level each month so we can continue to make this impact. https://jewinthecity.com/donate/

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Jew in the City Reacts to My Unorthodox Life

“My Unorthodox Life” is a story about someone unhappy in her relationships framed as a story about an extreme form of Judaism that Julia Haart never actually lived. To see how to answer the Jewish issues raised in the series, see this article here. To get an understanding of the motivation for many people leaving […]

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