
Antisemitic Chants by Soccer Fans on Plane Lead to Arrests

After video footage was released of football (soccer) fans harassing an Orthodox Jewish man with antisemitic chants aboard a flight to Belgium, the fans were arrested on account of committing a hate crime. Essex police had launched an investigation which revealed supporters of the West Ham Football Club on their way to Belgium to watch a match. The Hasidic man was just trying to make his way to his seat on the plane when the rowdy fans started singing and chanting an inappropriate and hateful song. The men were arrested upon their return to the UK from the Belgian match. “Essex Police will not tolerate racism or discrimination of any kind,” said the Police Chief Superintendent Tom Simons. Home secretary Priti Patel added, “The video circulating on social media is absolutely appalling and there is no place in football or our country for this vile, racist, antisemitic abuse.” A statement from the football club added, “We don’t want to be associated with supporters like this.” Read more here.

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