
Deloitte Shows Value Of Inclusivity With Hire Of 300 Haredi Employees

Deloitte is a worldwide company that specializes in professional services. The company just announced their plan to hire 300 Israelis specifically from the haredi (more Orthodox) sector for a new office in Beit Shemesh.

Currently, the company employs more than 1,700 Israelis across the country with offices in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Eilat, Nazareth and Jerusalem. 

“Diversity and inclusion are values close to our hearts,” said Ilan Birenfeld, CEO of Deloitte Israel. “The haredi society can and should play a significant role in fulfilling that vision.”

“We are committed to ensuring our firm’s image reflects all parts of Israeli society, as well as to provide a suitable and valuable employment to professionals across the country,” Birenfeld continued.

The move is a powerful one for the Beit Shemesh community that will boost the neighborhood’s economy. Mayor Dr. Aliza Block says the area is in “the midst of an economic revolution.”

For more, visit jpost.com.


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