
The Haredi IDF Brigade That’s Existed For 25 Years

Since the unanimous Israeli Supreme Court historic decision to draft Haredim–starting with 3,000 men–into the IDF last month due to a lack of manpower nine months into the war, tension has increased among Israelis. While controversy stirs around the topic with Haredim often represented as vehemently anti-military, it’s crucial to root back to reality. Sensible, […]

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Deloitte Shows Value Of Inclusivity With Hire Of 300 Haredi Employees

Deloitte is a worldwide company that specializes in professional services. The company just announced their plan to hire 300 Israelis specifically from the haredi (more Orthodox) sector for a new office in Beit Shemesh. Currently, the company employs more than 1,700 Israelis across the country with offices in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Eilat, Nazareth and Jerusalem.  […]

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Why Are Haredim Not Getting Vaccinated?

Dear Jew in the City- The Hareidi community has been in the news for not getting vaccinated for Covid. We know Jews value life, but what does it say about valuing the life of another and, if that is important, why aren’t more getting vaccinated? Thanks, Michelle Dear Michelle, Thanks for your question. Before I answer it, […]

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An Interview With Nahal Haredi CEO Yossi Levy

Major Res., Yossi Levy is the CEO of Nahal Haredi. Born in Jerusalem, educated in ultra-Orthodox institutions, he served in the Netzach Yehuda Battalion as a soldier, commander and infantry officer, was released after serving as an officer in the operations division of the Netzach Yehuda Battalion. He founded the first Haredi Soldier house in […]

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Meet the Haredi Comedy Duo Going Viral on YouTube

While they originally wrote their skits for a Haredi fanbase, comedians Efi Skakovsky and Meni Wakshtock have met mass appeal with secular Israelis as well. Destroying all preconceived notions of how serious Haredim can be, the duo known as the Hebrew word for Chaos, Bardak are making friends and fans throughout the Hebrew-speaking world. With […]

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