
Orthodox Jewish Debut Author Wins Multiple Awards For His Work

Cleveland-born physician Ira Mosen recently made aliyah with his family and is proud to serve patients from any background, but it is his new job as an acclaimed debut author with a breakout novel about Israel that truly breaks down barriers. His book, First Among Nations, puts an ultra-Orthodox Jew, a secular Jew and an Arab Israeli together on the Israel National Soccer team, setting their differences aside for the love of the game. Mosen wrote most of the book while commuting between Israel and Ohio. The book has since garnered wholly positive reviews from Publishers Weekly and The Jerusalem Post. First Among Nations was an eBook fiction finalist in The Eric Hoffer Awards, a finalist for Hoffer’s Montaigne Medal, an IPPY Bronze Medal (Indie Book Award) for multicultural fiction winner, and won two Next-Generation Indie Book Awards for first novel and general fiction/novel. It also was a “best new fiction” finalist for the International Book Award. Read more here.

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