
Ethiopian Jewish Woman, Mazi Pilip’s, Journey To Israel

Mazi Pilip is on the ballot for a spot in Congress. She is the Republican candidate for tomorrow’s special election after representative George Santos was ousted. The voters are from a “swing district” spanning Queens and Long Island that recently became primarily Republican in 2022 after 10 years of Democratic wins. With the recent attacks […]

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Top Ten Jew in the City Articles of 2023

Happy (almost) New Year! While many of us celebrate the new year at Rosh Hashanah time, the changing of the calendar from one year to the next also holds some undeniable weight. It’s another fresh start, another opportunity for change and growth and an additional moment to reflect on the past.   We’re reflecting on […]

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JOYFUL PHOTO OF YOUNG ORTHODOX JEWS WINS GREAT PHOTO AWARDS 2023 Sep 13, 2023 by Alex Baker Add Comment A beautiful photograph of young orthodox jews enjoying an informal moment after the pandemic has won the Black & White World international photo competition as part of the Great Photo Awards 2023. The Grand Winner is Eddy Verloes (Belgium) for this unique shot titled “Losing our Minds.” Here are the rest of the winning images.

Photograph of Orthodox Jews Wins Top Photography Award

While Orthodox Jews, especially Hasidim, are often the subject of negative portrayals in the media, with their shared humanity rarely shown, this is a positive story. Eddy Verloes, a photographer from Belgium took a black and white photograph of young Orthodox Jews joyfully running up and down a hill on what looks like a beach. […]

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