
Star-K Kosher Joins United Arab Emirates Certification Effort

The Star-K Kosher Certification announced this week that they are partnering with the Emirati organization Jafza in order to promote the benefits of kosher-certified food to establishments and businesses in the United Arab Emirates. Since the Abraham Accords were announced late last year, 50,000 visitors have already visited the UAE from Israel. With many more guests expected, restaurants that are already open and offering kosher-certified food will not be enough to accomodate the demand. With this undertaking, the UAE’s government hopes that more hotels and restaurants will be able to cater to the many Jewish visitors which are anticipated. The government has announced that it would like Abu Dhabi’s hotels to all be able to meet the standards of kosher law. COO of Parks and Zones, DP World Ahmad Al Haddad has said, “We are delighted to team up with STAR-K Kosher Certification. With this endeavor, we hope to enlighten our partners in the free zone about the benefits of getting a kosher certification.” Read more here.

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