
Former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rav Yisrael Meir Lau, Tests Positive For Covid-19

Just days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, the former Ashkenazi chief rabbi. Rav Yisrael Meir Lau, 83, has tested positive for Covid-19. Because there is a delay in showing a positive result in testing, it is thought that the Rav may have contracted it from his wife, who came down with it a week earlier. The Pfizer vaccine is thought to be 52% effective after one dose and about 95% effective a few days after dose number two. Rav Lau is reported to not have any symptoms and is feeling well. The Rav was photographed on the first day of Israeli vaccinations and vocally urged members of the Haredi community to do the same. He is quoted as saying, “You must not be afraid. Vaccination is an obligation for all of us.” Read more here.

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  • Avatar photo AJ says on January 20, 2021

    What’s his mother’s Hebrew name?


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