
Prince Charles and Others’ Meaningful Tribute to Rabbi Jonathan Sacks & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Prince Charles and Others’ Meaningful Tribute to Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
The UK’s Prince Charles spoke at a tribute to former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, alongside former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. The Prince of Wales called Sacks a “light unto this nation” on a recorded video broadcast in recognition of the end of the shloshim, or 30 days of mourning since the death of the honored Rabbi. Thousands of spectators viewed the special internationally.

“Somehow, I’ve Become the Threat” Orthodox Jewish Heath Care Workers on Giving COVID-19 Advice No One Wants to Hear
The past few months have also been a trying time for Marcus, who is now in the unfortunate position of giving advice that no one wants to hear. She has watched as her neighbors dismiss the virus and publicly defy safety measures intended to contain it.

Why the Cultural Elite Truly Despises Hanukkah
Why did Hanukkah irk everyone from the late Christopher Hitchens, who memorably ­derided it as a “celebration of tribal Jewish backwardness,” to author Sarah Prager, who took to the pages of The New York Times recently to explain that she won’t be teaching her kids about it? Well, because Hanukkah is about as out of step with the contemporary elite consensus as any religious tradition can be.

Orthodox Rapper Nissim Black’s New Single Remakes ‘Hava Nagila’ Just in Time for Hanukkah
The latest single by Nissim Black, a pathbreaking Orthodox hip-hop artist, reimagines what may be the mostly widely known Jewish song. “The Hava Song,” released on Black’s 34th birthday Wednesday, is a modern and bass-forward reimagining of the traditional “Hava Nagila.” It features Black rapping about gratitude, his place in Jewish society and even allusions to the coming Messianic age.

4 Passengers Threaten to Blow up Belgian Train Unless ‘Cancer Jews’ Get Off
Police in Belgium are looking for four men who used a train’s public address system to threaten a bombing of the vehicle near Antwerp unless Jewish passengers step off. The passengers took control of the public address system on Wednesday afternoon near the city that Nazis and their collaborators used as an internment and dispatch station for Jews whom they sent to be murdered in Poland. “Attention, attention,” the men said in Flemish, “the cancer Jews need to leave the train now or we’ll blow you all up,” witnesses said.

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