
What Chanukah Really Is About (in Contrast to What Many People Think)

Celebrating Chanukah this year is just different. While we’re still eating our donuts and latkes, we’re lighting with extra prayers for hope, for miracles, for salvation. This year, it’s normal and expected to light with a heavy heart, as we continue to mourn the atrocities in Israel and the soldiers that continue to give their […]

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How do the Miracles of Chanukah Inspire Miracles Today?

Dear Jew in the City, What did the Jewish people do in the time of Chanukah to merit miracles and what can we do now to merit miracles in our day? Sincerely, Jonah   Dear Jonah, Thanks for your question, though I want to reframe it before I answer: don’t plan for miracles. We have […]

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How Many of These International Chanukah Donuts Have You Tried?

When it comes to Jewish holidays, some often joke that the celebrations revolve around a similar pattern: “They [our enemies] tried to kill us, they couldn’t kill us, so let’s eat!” Chanukah originates in the middle of a literal war on our Jewish way of life. Surviving forced assimilation by threat of death is a […]

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Is Giving Presents On Chanukah A Problem?

Dear Jew in the City, Is it a problem to give and get gifts on Chanukah? Why do we do it? Sincerely, Cindy Dear Cindy, Thanks very much for your question. I have complicated feelings regarding the practice of exchanging gifts on Chanukah. On the one hand, I really like to give gifts; it’s kind […]

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What The Chanukah Story Can Teach Us About Body Positivity

Having three teenage daughters, body image is a huge topic in my house. I hear my girls and their friends obsess over how they look, and it’s hard to hear. I desperately want to raise them with a healthy sense of body confidence. I want them to be comfortable in their skin — to feel […]

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