
Haredim in IDF TV Series is Newest Israeli Hit & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Learning to Pray When Words Fail
Julie Shulman decided to study linguistics because she wanted to help people with speaking disorders. She never imagined how personal this mission would become when her husband, business-development manager Ayal Shulman, suffered a massive brain hemorrhage. Despite the initially grim prognosis, his cognitive function is intact. But his speech is limited to sentences of three or four words, and his reading and writing abilities are limited.

These 5 Great Kosher Wines Are Perfect For Your Passover Table or Anytime
Each year I recommend kosher wines for Passover, and this year’s crop is the best so far. They include a delightful Cotes du Rhone and Bordeaux from the excellent 2016 vintage in France, a delicious chardonnay from Chile, a lush Israeli cabernet and a zesty South African sauvignon blanc spiced with a bit of humor.

Amid Ultra-Orthodox Conscription Crisis, Israeli TV Series Becomes Overnight Hit
The hit Israeli TV series “Kipat Barzel” is garnering the gripped reaction show creator Avner Bernheimer was looking for. By the end of the second episode, our ultra-Orthodox fresh conscript protagonists couldn’t be in a worse situation: An Arab villager has been shot outside a mosque by an unhinged religious soldier still wielding his weapon. His green ultra-Orthodox platoon is being pelted by rocks from furious youth bent on vengeance…and then — the credits roll.

From Bland to Grand: Kosher for Passover Now Means Variety
Passover used to mean eating gefilte fish, matzo, borscht and macaroons. Now it’s cauliflower rice, seaweed snacks, wheat-free lasagna noodles, matzo pizza and banana flour and thousands of other trendy, modern and tasty foods, including a variety of gluten-free options.

Rabbi Says Meat From Genetically Cloned Pig Could Be Eaten by Jews – Including With Milk
A prominent Orthodox rabbi in Israel said that meat from a genetically cloned pig would be kosher for consumption by Jews, including when eaten with dairy products. Rabbi Yuval Cherlow told Ynet in an interview published Wednesday that cloned meat is not subject to the rules that apply to the consumption of regular meat.

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