
Harvard Medical School Takes Spiritual Cues From Frum Psychologist & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Child Whose Parents Were Killed in 2008 Mumbai Attack to Return to Chabad House
The son of the Chabad emissaries killed in a 2008 terror attack in Mumbai will join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a trip to India later this month. Moshe Holtzberg, 11, was three years old when his parents Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg were killed by terrorist gunmen at the Nariman Chabad House in Mumbai.

Psychologists Shouldn’t Ignore the Soul
Prominent Orthodox Jewish Harvard Psychologist Dr. David H. Rosmarin explores the connection between spirituality and mental health. Through the newly-established McLean Hospital clinic which specializes in this relationship, a groundbreaking discovery is taking place.

Hasidic Grandmother Breaks Barriers on Brooklyn Judicial Bench and Serves as Role Model
A Brooklyn judge who’s spent a year deciding criminal cases won her seat on the bench without once shaking a man’s hand. Rachel Freier was sworn in on Dec. 22, 2016. Her term started Jan. 3, 2017. That would compromise Rachel Freier’s religious beliefs, and she couldn’t do that as a woman running for office in one of the most religious neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Now she uses her religious values and faith as a guiding force in her decisions from the bench.

Kosher Sushi Gets Gorgeous Makeover As Jewish Chefs Lead Vegan Charge
Call it nouveau vegan: As diners demand more healthful options, plant-based cuisine is having a moment — and Jewish chefs are leading the charge. One of the pioneers is Guy Vaknin, whose 5-year-old Beyond Sushi has exploded from a modest counter in Manhattan’s East Village to a five-restaurant chainlet.

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