
Best Cookie In Florida Is Kosher & Other Orthodox Jews In The News

Tales From the Mitzvah Tank

While a secular Jew comes to a Midtown Mitzvah Tank to wrap Tefillin, he begins to realize that his far-away Jewish upbringing is too far for his liking. But can he convince his marrying-out daughter and son to affix mezuzahs with the help of the Lubavitch rabbi?

Israel’s Coolest City Has a Secret to Share

One of Tel Aviv’s best-kept nocturnal secrets, Hithavut is a vibrant space where ‘A Hasidic rabbi walks into a bar’ is an apt description rather than the start of a joke. This part-nightclub, part-shul is the new place to see, be seen, and find G-d.

Moshe Holtzberg Turns Ten

Eight years after the Mumbai Chabad House Massacre, Moshe Holtzberg is living with his grandparents in Israel. With the yahrzeit coming up next week on the day before his tenth birthday, he will celebrate his milestone and honor his martyred parents with an understandable mix of emotions.

Strictly Jewish Named Documentary of the Year

Australia’s top documentary prize from the Screen Producers of Australia went to a new film offering an exclusive look into Melbourne’s Ultra-Orthodox Adass community. It aired on television there, and was the highest rated show of a special series, with 500,000 viewers.

The Best Cookies in Every State

Zak the Baker has taken Florida’s top ranked cookie spot. Who knew that the best in the state was from a Kosher bakery!

Couple Has First Daughter After 30 Years of Waiting for a Child

A childless couple who came to Hadassah hospital every week for 27 years to give food to patients and families had their first child. Rabbi Yitzhak and Sima Peretz have been an integral part of the fabric of the Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital for the past 27 years.

Jerusalem Cafes to Open on Shabbat But Not For Business

A new initiative in Jerusalem aims to have one kosher cafe in every neighborhood keep their doors open on Shabbat, for secular and religious Jews alike to come read, play board games and hear lectures. With the pilot event taking place this Friday night in Nachlaot, a new non-Rabbanut supervision is helping to spearhead it.

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