
The Unexpected Connection Between Tu B’Shvat and Witchcraft

Editor’s Note: This article discusses witchcraft, which is one of the three cardinal sins in Judaism. Tu B’Shvat and witches are an unlikely pair but the two have roots that go farther back than one may think. Interest in witchcraft has been rising in the last few decades, particularly among women, millennials, and minorities. There already was […]

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She Survived the Holocaust and Became a Bubbe to Thousands

When Jew in The City asked me to write a story for Holocaust Remembrance Day, one person instantly came to mind: my dear, beloved, Bubbe Tina Weisz, OBM. Bubbe Tina survived the horrors of the Holocaust, raised an incredible family and became a beacon of faith and a pillar in her community. “Our community was […]

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Why Orthodox Men Don’t Wear Wigs

I recently received an e-mail from a man who saw my “What to Wear on My Hair” video and wanted to know if my husband keeps his hair “special” and “saves it just for me.” Now I’m sure this guy was just trying to give me a hard time, but he actually raised an interesting […]

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