
Westport’s Jazz Rabbi & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

  Revelio! Hogwarts Haggadah Ready — Just In Time For Passover Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg of Queens, New York is set to release his “Unofficial Hogwarts Haggadah” within the next two weeks. The haggadah, the book used as a companion to the Passover seder, will include explanations of the Seder rituals and texts through a Harry […]

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Our Top 7 Favorite Homemade Shalach Manos Themes!

I’m not one of those DIY people. I’m creative, but most of the time, I simply can’t be bothered. I’d rather pay someone to DITFM (do it for me!) But when Purim comes around, I get a little crazy – crazy INSPIRED – that is. It started off several years ago with the Shushan Times […]

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Kippahs In Coke Super Bowl Ad & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

500 Years After Being Wiped Out, Sicilian Jewish Life is Reborn A vibrant community was expelled from Sicily under the Spanish Inquisition in 1493. Residents are rediscovering their hidden roots today thanks to the dedication of a new shul and an increasing number of resources. Stunning Court Decision Approves Passover Punishment The U.S. Court of […]

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Why Do We Still Not Eat Kitniyos If No One Confuses Beans and Wheat?

Dear Jew in the City, What’s the deal with kitniyos? Especially being that we know now it’s not chametz, and some Jews eat it and some don’t… Sincerely, Rice on Pesach Dear Rice, Kitniyos (or kitniyot) is typically translated as “legumes” and the Ashkenazi practice is not to eat them on Passover. This isn’t because we used to […]

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