
Is Secular Education Allowed In Orthodox Jewish Schools?

Dear Jew in the City- Is secular education permitted according to Jewish law? Do parents have any responsibility according to Judaism to give their children the knowledge to be able to make a living and get around in the world? Thank you, Rebecca Dear Rebecca- Thanks for your question. I think that I – and […]

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What’s the Difference Between Hasidic vs. Orthodox Jews?

Dear Jew in the City- What’s the difference between Hasidic vs. Orthodox Jews? What about the Jews on Shtisel vs. Hasidic Jews? Thanks, Michael Dear Michael- Thanks for your question. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I haven’t seen (and have no plans to see) Shtisel, so I can’t address that. But I can address […]

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More Haredi Jews Expected to Move into High-Tech With Remote Work Boom

According to a recent survey of 100 high-tech employers, the shifts in social structure that were forged by the COVID pandemic show a likely increase in Haredi Jews becoming employed in that sector. Kamatech, the Askaria Institute and IATI- Israel Advanced Technology Industries have collaborated on the study, which showed that 55% think that remote […]

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Shtisel Season 3: Episode 3 – Yes, Haredi Jews Can Fall In Love

Growing up not religious, I distinctly remember noticing Orthodox Jews passing by on the streets of New York City with seemingly no emotions. I saw men walking quickly and not smiling and women pushing strollers filled with children, and not smiling. I simply assumed they didn’t smile, laugh, feel, or have emotions like the rest […]

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