
Check Out These Gorgeous Hikes For The Kosher Traveler!

When I was a kid, my parents would take me on trips to Florida where the only kosher food available was what you could buy in a supermarket, and the only cooking utensil we brought with us was a sandwich maker. Now, two decades later, the tools for kosher cookery have only improved – and […]

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Ethnic Food Month: What Jews Around The World Eat

Jews are a refugee people, and as an ethnic minority we have never had a solid home base since our exile from our homeland in 70CE, due to Roman colonizers. As such, our ethnic food has become the food of the places that have housed us. While classic Ashkanazi foods like brisket, matzah ball soup […]

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What is Cholent and Why Do Jews Eat It?

Dear JITC- Mayim Bialik just mentioned cholent on Jeopardy. What is it and why do Jews eat it? Thank you, A Dear A- Thanks for your question. Cholent is a form of stew traditionally eaten at the Shabbos afternoon meal. The reason for it is comparable to the reason for lighting Shabbos candles. Exodus 35:3 […]

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This Kosher Bakery Gives Second Chances to the Formerly Jailed

Israeli businessman Isaac Yosef, the operator of the sole kosher bakery in all of San Francisco, is a standout for another heartwarming reason: he is known for giving second chances to formerly incarcerated individuals by hiring them as employees. Also known as “Lifer Bakery,” Frena Bakery is famous for its delicious, Iraqi and Israeli-style goods, […]

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