
Do Jews Believe In Turning the Other Cheek or Strict Justice?

Dear JITC- I just saw Spider-Man, which seems to be about the Christian version of justice. Christians believe in turning the other cheek. Desmond Tutu, who just died, said Holocaust survivors should forgive Nazis! Jews believe in compassion but also in stopping and punishing evil. Why does Judaism believe in vengeance in addition to compassion? […]

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Does Drinking A “L’Chaim” Influence God To Bless Us?

Dear JITC- I read your post on Jews and alcohol. What are your thoughts on the fact that many Orthodox Jews have some liquor and say “l’chaim” at Shabbos meals? They often will then say something like “May we all have brachos in parnasa and health and besuros tovos.” Is there a source for the […]

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What’s the Torah Perspective on Genetic Testing?

Dear Jew in the City- I saw your article about marrying cousins. That could cause some genetic issues. What’s the Orthodox Jewish perspective on genetic testing? Thank you, Sophie Dear Sophie- “What’s the Orthodox Jewish perspective on genetic testing?” To me, that’s like asking, “What’s the Orthodox Jewish perspective on flossing?” It’s neither an obligation […]

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Are Orthodox Jews Allowed to Marry Their Cousins?

Dear Jew in the City- Are Orthodox Jews allowed to marry their cousins? Thanks, P.J.   Dear P.J.- Thanks for your question. Before I discuss the Torah’s viewpoint, I’d like to debunk some misconceptions about “cousin marriage,” AKA consanguinity. From the fact that you asked the question, I infer that you are either looking for […]

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