
Dave Chapelle’s “Comedy” Is Endangering Jews

I have a monologue for Dave Chappelle after his recent monologue on SNL: It’s getting a little bit tiring now, having to address these antisemitic comments that are happening more and more frequently by respected celebrities. People who have large platforms and are not crazy types that no one listens to. The more celebrities with […]

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Why Are So Many Jews In The Limelight?

Kyrie Irving is the latest celebrity to dabble in antisemitic tropes, when he recently shared an Alex Jones tweet accusing Jews of being part of a mastermind cabal to take over the world. While that’s an absolutely insane and false accusation, this trope exists because admittedly, there are a lot of Jews in positions of […]

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Ethnic Food Month: What Jews Around The World Eat

Jews are a refugee people, and as an ethnic minority we have never had a solid home base since our exile from our homeland in 70CE, due to Roman colonizers. As such, our ethnic food has become the food of the places that have housed us. While classic Ashkanazi foods like brisket, matzah ball soup […]

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Blazing Antisemitism Runs Rampant in Williamsburg

Police are searching for a group of teens who allegedly committed two attacks on Orthodox Jews in Williamsburg over the weekend, the local Shomrim organization attests. At 12am on Motzei Shabbos (early Sunday morning), a video captured two young men chasing a Jewish man on Lee Avenue between Taylor Street and Roebling Avenue. The harassers […]

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