
13 Common Shiva Mistakes You May Be Making

After experiencing the death of my father over three months ago, I have decided to share some thoughts, in the hope that they can help all who try to comfort mourners during such difficult times. Specifically, I will focus on aspects of the funeral, the shiva (seven days of mourning) and post shiva. Some may be surprised […]

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What an Orthodox Bat Mitzvah Means to a Mother

On the occasion of my eldest’s bat mitzvah which took place this past Sunday, I got to thinking about what it means to be the parent of a child who becomes a bat mitzvah – and an Orthodox one at that. In my pre-observant days, my bat mitzvah was mostly about memorizing the Torah portion, […]

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Why OMI’s “Cheerleader” Is Nothing Like a Jewish Wife

There’s a new “Cheerleader” in town – a song that’s been playing on the radio (and now in my head) non-stop. At first blush, it seems kind of sweet: the singer “OMI” (don’t ask me why there are only capital letter in his name – at least he has one) found a wonderful girl, even […]

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Mayim Bialik Weighs In On Cecil the Lion And Human Life

Editor’s Note: Yesterday Allison Josephs (aka Jew in the City) posted this Dennis Prager article along with the caption “Thoughts?” on Facebook. In his article, Prager wrote about the death of Cecil and spoke out against hunting, poaching, and cruelty to animals – all VERY against Judaism. But then he noted something upsetting: some people seem to […]

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Grasping for Comfort: Faigy Mayer, Stabbings & Firebombing

These last two weeks which began with Faigy Mayer’s suicide, continued with the stabbings (and murder of a sixteen year old girl, Shira Banki) at the Jerusalem Gay Pride parade, and ended with the firebombing and murder of a Palestinian toddler, Ali Dawabsha (possibly by extreme religious Zionists, though no one has been charged with the […]

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