
The Orthodox Jew Who Convinced Abraham Lincoln To Run For President

Abraham Lincoln is often remembered as the president that ended slavery in the United States and is lesser known for his kindness towards Jews and the friendships he forged with them. Lincoln’s senate portrait was taken by a Jewish photographer, and he supported Jews in their endeavor to work as army chaplains and military officers. One of Lincoln’s close friends was an Orthodox Jew, Abraham Jonas. Jonas and Lincoln most likely met while Jonas was serving in the […]

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Joe Rogan & Spotify: Do Jews Believe In Free Speech?

At the heart of the controversy surrounding Spotify and the Joe Rogan experience is the question of free speech. Some 70 episodes of his podcast were removed after musicians protested the platform for allowing him to spout misinformation and racial slurs. Is it okay for him to spread misinformation about COVID? What about when that […]

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Which Jewish Tribe Do You Belong To?

One of my favorite parts of any Olympic Games is the Parade of Nations during the opening event. Something is riveting about how each country’s athletes walk together, united by their uniforms and costumes, proudly waving their nation’s flag. It is an incredibly patriotic moment.  There is something intoxicating about cheering on sports in general. […]

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The Unexpected Connection Between Tu B’Shvat and Witchcraft

Editor’s Note: This article discusses witchcraft, which is one of the three cardinal sins in Judaism. Tu B’Shvat and witches are an unlikely pair but the two have roots that go farther back than one may think. Interest in witchcraft has been rising in the last few decades, particularly among women, millennials, and minorities. There already was […]

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