
If You’re A Jew From An Unbroken Chain Of Jews, You’re A Miracle

The holiday of Shavuos celebrates one of the most famous converts in Jewish history – Ruth. When it comes to becoming a Jew, she is all in. She famously tells her mother-in-law, Naomi, “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.”

On the anniversary of our nation choosing God and Torah, the book of Ruth is a fitting story. But I got to thinking about what that looks like when generation after generation, for over 3000 years continues to say, “Where you (Jewish life) go, I will go. Where you (Jewish life) stay I will stay.” What happens when generation after generation of children behave like Ruth, telling their parents, “Your people will be my people and your God my God.” What you have then is the continuity of the Jewish people. Am Yisrael chai!

If you were born a Jew in today’s day and age from an unbroken line of Jews, then your family did all that about 130 times. They defied the odds. About 130 generations since our people stood at Mt. Sinai, became a nation, and were enjoined with a historic mission, it’s quite remarkable that you’re here today as a Jew.

Because it was always much easier to not be Jewish. To lose our way. To leave our people for a less complicated life. Additionally, so many of our people desperately wanted to remain Jewish but died trying. Our enemies cut their lives short for attempting to keep that chain unbroken. But your ancestors were not snuffed out. And neither were mine. They got us to this day.

And with all that in mind, the question is, since you’re still Jewish today, what are you doing about that miracle?

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  • Avatar photo yale9192008@gmail.com says on June 8, 2022

    I’m a Jew and proud of it


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