
An Ex-Hasidic Woman Shares Her Story: “All Societies Have Faults”

Many think they know about Orthodox Judaism thanks to TV shows like “Unorthodox” and “My Unorthodox Life,” a.k.a. media that shows off the community in a negative light without any sort of context that these are dysfunctional families. But where are the stories of inspiration? Where are honest, nuanced alternative narratives to balance that out? […]

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Celebrating JITC’s 15th Anniversary!

LinkedIn told me that today is my 15 year anniversary for starting JITC. This picture was taken right before I launched Jew in the City, so I’d have a new headshot. Apparently I started JITC almost exactly 6 years after I survived the Sbarro’s bombing which I barely think about. My husband and I just […]

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Finding True Love on Tu B’Av: One Couple’s Story

There is hardly anything more universal than the desire to love and be loved. It doesn’t matter what country you live in, what religion you are or what family you come from — love unites us all. One thing we’ll never tire of reading is a great love story. Everyone wants to know how the […]

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