
My Orthodox Grandfather’s Fight Against Cannibalism in WWII

Zaidy’s War is the life-story of my grandfather, centered tightly around the events of WWII and his constant struggle between his Jewish identity and survival. My grandfather’s story involves serving four armies under wildly unique circumstances, being present for both the largest land invasion in human history and the final battle of WWII, avoiding cannibalism […]

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Why Are So Many Jews In The Limelight?

Kyrie Irving is the latest celebrity to dabble in antisemitic tropes, when he recently shared an Alex Jones tweet accusing Jews of being part of a mastermind cabal to take over the world. While that’s an absolutely insane and false accusation, this trope exists because admittedly, there are a lot of Jews in positions of […]

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What Are The Basic Halachic Requirements For Tzniyus?

Dear Jew in the City, What are the basic halachic requirements for tzniyus? Sincerely, Teri Dear Teri Thanks for your question. I try to avoid answering “what’s the halacha?” questions because of the lack of universal parameters in matters of halacha. For example, I once made the innocuous observation that the bracha after eating rice […]

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Astonishing Orthodox Jewish Art That Will Blow Your Mind

As we start reading the Torah anew, we remember that Rav Kook once wrote that God left the world unfinished so that we could partner with Him to complete creation. Many Orthodox Jews wear black and white, but really there is so much color and creativity behind the scenes. You won’t believe what these Orthodox […]

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