
What Is Amira L’Akum (Asking A Non-Jew To Do “Work” On Shabbos)?

Today I’m going to answer a question that nobody asked. But first, some background. There’s something that people do whenever these articles are posted on social media. When Allison (or whoever handles social media on her behalf) posts the articles, the question that I’m answering is always part of the post. What some people invariably […]

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What Are The Basic Halachic Requirements For Tzniyus?

Dear Jew in the City, What are the basic halachic requirements for tzniyus? Sincerely, Teri Dear Teri Thanks for your question. I try to avoid answering “what’s the halacha?” questions because of the lack of universal parameters in matters of halacha. For example, I once made the innocuous observation that the bracha after eating rice […]

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Can Alexa Be Used On Shabbos?

Dear Jew in the City, I automate a lot of things in my house and it seems that a lot of what I do could circumvent the rules of Shabbos. For example, you can automate lights going on and off, my humidifier, television, and my thermostat. I was wondering, is there any rule against voice […]

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Why Is Honey Kosher If Bees Are Not?

Dear Jew in the City, Why is honey kosher if bees are not? Sincerely, Ryan Dear Ryan, Thanks for your question. It’s an excellent question, but I’m going to explain it for those who may not know why it’s excellent. There’s a general rule in kashrus that the products of non-kosher animals are likewise non-kosher. […]

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What’s The Jewish Perspective On Pleasure?

Dear Jew in the City, What is the status of physical pleasure in Judaism? Is it good or evil? How can I tell what is too much and what is too little? Sincerely, Rob Dear Rob, Thanks for your question. Now I’m going to ask you one: do you know what musar is? Musar is […]

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Were the Jews Forced to Accept the Torah?

Dear Jew in the City, Were the Jews forced to accept the Torah? It was literally held over our heads and could seem to be given in such a way where we had no choice but to accept it. Sincerely, Simon   Dear Simon, Thanks for your question. Let’s explain it. Exodus 19:17 says that […]

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