
Can Alexa Be Used On Shabbos?

Dear Jew in the City, I automate a lot of things in my house and it seems that a lot of what I do could circumvent the rules of Shabbos. For example, you can automate lights going on and off, my humidifier, television, and my thermostat. I was wondering, is there any rule against voice […]

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Why Is Honey Kosher If Bees Are Not?

Dear Jew in the City, Why is honey kosher if bees are not? Sincerely, Ryan Dear Ryan, Thanks for your question. It’s an excellent question, but I’m going to explain it for those who may not know why it’s excellent. There’s a general rule in kashrus that the products of non-kosher animals are likewise non-kosher. […]

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What Is [Redacted] Denomination Of Judaism About?

Dear Jew in the City, What is [REDACTED] Judaism? Sincerely, Tom Dear Tom, Thanks for your question. You may be wondering why I redacted it, removing certain information before releasing it to the public like some sort of sensitive government document. It’s because you asked about another stream of Judaism. (Which one isn’t important; readers […]

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What’s The Jewish Perspective On Pleasure?

Dear Jew in the City, What is the status of physical pleasure in Judaism? Is it good or evil? How can I tell what is too much and what is too little? Sincerely, Rob Dear Rob, Thanks for your question. Now I’m going to ask you one: do you know what musar is? Musar is […]

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Why Do Orthodox Jewish Men Wear Big Fur Hats?

Dear Jew in the City, Why do Orthodox Jews wear big fur hats? Sincerely, Suzanne Dear Suzanne, Thanks for your question. I’m sure you are familiar with the children’s riddle, “Why do firemen wear red suspenders?” The answer, “To keep their pants up,” only addresses why firemen wear suspenders. The question one should have asked […]

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Is There Legitimacy to the “Jewish Death Curse?”

Dear Jew in the City, What’s the deal with this Jewish death curse? Is there any legitimacy to it? Sincerely, Alex Dear Alex, Thanks for your question. For context, let’s explain what happened to prompt this inquiry. Exiled Ukrainian oligarch Hennady Korban – who is Jewish – recently revealed that he performed a ritual known […]

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