
I Want to Start Keeping Kosher: Where Do I Begin?

Dear Jew in the City, Neither my husband or I were raised in households that keep kosher, but we would like to start.  Do you have any suggestions for a military family who would like to begin keeping Kosher? The military lifestyle has us often living in cities far from observant Jewish communities and causes us moving frequently – […]

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Is it Bad if I Take My Jewish Kids to See Santa?

Dear Jew in the City, Is it bad if i take my Jewish kids to see Santa? They keep asking me.   Thanks, Michelle from Bethesda, MD Dear Michelle, Great and very timely question! How much exposure to non-Jewish holidays should we give our Jewish children? My kids have some curiosity about non-Jewish holidays since we […]

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What Do Orthodox Jewish Kids and Teens Do for Fun?

Dear Jew in the City, I am a 21 year old Jew born and raised in New Jersey.  I went to Hebrew school and had my Bar Mitzvah at a conservative temple.  My parents are secular, and I’ve been living a secular life.  Over the past three years in college, I’ve become close with a […]

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