
What is Modern Orthodoxy?

Dear JITC- What is Modern Orthodoxy? Thanks, Meredith Dear Meredith, Thanks for your question. In order to explain what Modern Orthodoxy is, I think we first have to explain what Orthodoxy is. It begins with a history lesson. In the year 2448 from the Creation of the world, corresponding to 1312 BCE, the Jews who […]

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Does Halacha Require Two Witnesses In Order To Report Abuse?

Dear Jew in the City- Are two witnesses really required in order to report  physical or sexual abuse? Thanks, Sara Dear Sara, Thanks for your question, though I legit have no idea what you’re talking about. The Torah says, “Whoever kills any person, the murderer shall be executed based on the testimony of witnesses, but […]

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Does Jewish Law Believe That Countries Should Stop Putin?

Dear Jew in the City- Does the mitzvah of lo saamod al dam rei’echa mean we believe countries should stop Putin? Thanks, David Dear David, Thanks for your question. I think the first thing we need to do is define terms. “Lo saamod al dam rei’echa” means “You shall not stand idly by your fellow’s blood” […]

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Why Are Haredim Not Getting Vaccinated?

Dear Jew in the City- The Hareidi community has been in the news for not getting vaccinated for Covid. We know Jews value life, but what does it say about valuing the life of another and, if that is important, why aren’t more getting vaccinated? Thanks, Michelle Dear Michelle, Thanks for your question. Before I answer it, […]

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Do Orthodox Jews Perform Virgin Purity Tests?

Dear Jew in the City- I read in The Atlantic that a bunch of religions, including Orthodox Jews, require a purity test, i.e., to check if the bride is a virgin. That is horrifying. Do Orthodox Jews really do this? Thanks, Rebecca Dear Rebecca, Thanks for your question. I hadn’t read that, so I Googled […]

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