
She Survived the Holocaust and Became a Bubbe to Thousands

When Jew in The City asked me to write a story for Holocaust Remembrance Day, one person instantly came to mind: my dear, beloved, Bubbe Tina Weisz, OBM. Bubbe Tina survived the horrors of the Holocaust, raised an incredible family and became a beacon of faith and a pillar in her community. “Our community was […]

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Orthodox Jewish Family Beaten in Argentinian Anti-Semitic Car Attack

An Orthodox Jewish family’s trip to the Argentinian mountains was ruined when they were verbally and physically assaulted, and it escalated into death threats and physical attacks on their children. While driving to La Cumbre for a summer (now in the Southern Hemisphere) holiday, the driver, his wife, their four sons ages 11-17, a 1.5 […]

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The Orthodox Jew Who Marched With Dr. Martin Luther King

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once called Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel “a great prophet.” In the photo, Heschel presented King with the Judaism and World Peace Award. How did the leader of the civil rights movement come to form such a deep bond with an Orthodox Jewish rabbi? Heschel was a Polish-born American […]

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