
My Orthodox Grandfather’s Fight Against Cannibalism in WWII

Zaidy’s War is the life-story of my grandfather, centered tightly around the events of WWII and his constant struggle between his Jewish identity and survival. My grandfather’s story involves serving four armies under wildly unique circumstances, being present for both the largest land invasion in human history and the final battle of WWII, avoiding cannibalism […]

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Ethnic Food Month: What Jews Around The World Eat

Jews are a refugee people, and as an ethnic minority we have never had a solid home base since our exile from our homeland in 70CE, due to Roman colonizers. As such, our ethnic food has become the food of the places that have housed us. While classic Ashkanazi foods like brisket, matzah ball soup […]

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A History of How Jews Erase Themselves To Meet Gentile Expectations

In recent years, there’s been a growing trend towards minority appreciation and pride. Ethnic names and hairstyles are being used and worn more frequently. Religious symbols like saris, hijabs and Sikh turbans are being featured more prominently in popular media. Yet Jewishness has not had the same popularization: Jews are still mocked in the media, […]

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This 93-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor Will Inspire You With Her Faith

Dolly Rabinovich survived Auschwitz and the Death March, but lost both of her parents and several siblings in the Holocaust. After the war, she moved to the States, got married and raised a Torah observant family. Her advice to our generation is simple. “Love your mother and your father, your sisters and brothers. Have faith […]

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