
Opioid Addiction Awareness in the Orthodox Jewish Community

  While the problem of drug addiction is a universal one, much of the Orthodox Jewish community has not always been comfortable facing it head on. Thankfully, change is beginning to taking place with a raising of awareness like never before. With more than 700 people coming to an event last Monday night in Brooklyn […]

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Fake News: CNN Reporter Reza Aslan’s “Ultra-Orthodox Jews”

Now that “Fake News” is well established as a thing, Reza Aslan has introduced us to “Fake Documentaries” via his CNN Believer series which aired last week. I’ve read that his coverage of Hindus and Catholics was pretty awful. Critics have said he focused on fringe groups with little legitimacy while offering no context or overview […]

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11 Things “The Ten Commandments” Movie Got Wrong

Growing up in secular America, it was always a major event when they would broadcast The Ten Commandments on one of the major, primetime networks. Although I watched it on a television screen decades after it “played on the big screen, it still took my breath away – even as a child of the eighties, […]

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Mental Illness Awareness In The Orthodox Jewish Community

Mental Illness affects up to 20% of the population, and so many more when you consider the impact on families. While there is always room for improvement, particularly where stigma is concerned, Orthodox Jews have come a long way in terms of acceptance and care for those who suffer from Depression, Anxiety, OC(P)D, Bipolar Disorder, […]

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This Organization Teaches Charedi Kids To Protect The Environment

Not wasting and protecting Hashem’s earth and creations are foundational Jewish ideas. We even have a “birthday for the trees,” i.e. Tu B’Shvat, which begins tomorrow night. Quite shockingly though, there are too many members of the Orthodox Jewish world who regularly litter and have not embodied these Torah values. While no one knows exactly […]

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Last Night Hatzolah Was On “The Simpsons”

I cannot believe The Simpsons are STILL on television, since I was watching them back when I had braces and now have four children, two of whom are old enough to have braces! Being that it’s season TWENTY-EIGHT, you can imagine that the writers have needed lots of ideas over the years to fill up […]

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